Thursday mornings on the Karen and Ralphie morning show, Karen gives some personal advice. It’s ask Karen! From problems big and small, Karen gives her take on life, love, work and everything in between! If you’re interested in asking Karen a question, click here.
The Question
Dear Karen,
Valentine’s Day is Sunday and like a lot of guys I procrastinated. I haven’t gotten my girlfriend a gift yet, but I thought of something that would be good for BOTH of us.
We live together, and I was thinking of getting a fire pit. We have a little patio where it would fit perfectly, and sitting around the fire is kind of a romantic thing to do when the weather gets a little warmer around here.
Do you think it’s lame of me to get a valentine’s Day present that’s for BOTH of us and not just for her?
I haven’t bought it yet…but I would like to.
Jay in East Falmouth
Karen’s Answer
Hey Jay,
I actually think the Fire Pit is a pretty good idea. That is, if you know that is something she would like.
If it is…then do it…BUT I would also throw in a bouquet of flowers and maybe a nice romantic dinner if you can swing it.
If the weather on The Cape was going to be a little warmer this weekend…you could sit around the fire enjoying a romantic dessert together but you may have to save that for the spring!
Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!
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